
To my personal website. Here you will find details about my research, my teaching, and perhaps my personal life.

I use statistical methods, mathematical modeling and computer simulations to study social networks, spreading processes and human behavior. Recently, I have been particularly interested in how content spreads between online users, and how to mitigate the spread of diseases in human populations. I approach these questions both empirically — using methods from modern data science — and theoretically with methods from physics and mathematical modeling.

My research is generously supported by a Data Science Emerging Investigator 2024 grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Before joining the IT University of Copenhagen, I was a Carlsberg Foundation Fellow at the Technical University of Denmark. Before that, I was a post-doctoral researcher at the Center for Applied Mathematics, Cornell University where I was fortunate to be mentored by Austin Benson, Jon Kleinberg and Steven Strogatz. I was part of Statens Serum Institut's expert group on mathematical modeling of COVID-19 during the reopening of Denmark in the spring and summer of 2020. I obtained my Ph.D. in Physics of Complex Systems from the Niels Bohr Institute in 2020. My Ph.D. supervisors were Joachim Mathiesen and Mogens H. Jensen.



ITU Classes

DTU Classes

Cornell Classes

Teaching material produced in the past



Accepted and published research papers

  1. High-resolution epidemiological landscape from ~290,000 SARS-CoV-2 genomes from Denmark ,
    Mark P. Khurana et al.,
    Nature communications 15 7123 (2024)
  2. Hypergraph patterns and collaboration structure,
    Jonas L. Juul, Austin R. Benson and Jon Kleinberg,
    Frontiers in Physics 11 (2023)
  3. Comparing the efficiency of forward and backward contact tracing,
    Jonas L. Juul and Steven H. Strogatz,
    Physical Review E 108, 034308 (2023)
  4. Group-specific behavior change following terror attacks,
    Jonas L. Juul, Laura Alessandretti, Jesper Dammeyer, Ingo Zettler, Sune Lehmann and Joachim Mathiesen,
    Journal of Computational Social Science (2022)
  5. Comparing information diffusion mechanisms by matching on cascade size,
    Jonas L. Juul and Johan Ugander,
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(46) (2021)
  6. How a minority can win: Unrepresentative outcomes in a simple model of voter turnout,
    Ekaterina Landgren, Jonas L. Juul and Steven H. Strogatz
    Physical Review E 104, 054307 (2021)
  7. Fixed-time descriptive statistics underestimate extremes of epidemic curve ensembles,
    Jonas L. Juul, Kaare Græsbøll, Lasse Engbo Christiansen and Sune Lehmann,
    Nature Physics, 175-8 (2021), arXiv:2007.05035
  8. Descendant distributions for the impact of mutant contagion on networks,
    Jonas S. Juul; Steven H. Strogatz,
    Physical Review Research, 2, 033005 (2020), arXiv:1910.00655
  9. Constraints on somite formation in developing embryos,
    Jonas S. Juul; Mogens H. Jensen and Sandeep Krishna,
    16 Journal of the Royal Society Interface
  10. Entrainment of oscillations as a means of controlling somite patterning in a model of coupled presomitic mesoderm cells,
    Jonas S. Juul, Sandeep Krishna and Mogens H. Jensen,
    Physical Review E 98, 062412 (2018)
  11. Isospectral discrete and quantum graphs with the same flip counts and nodal counts,
    Jonas S. Juul and Christopher H. Joyner,
    Journal of Physics A: Theoretical and Mathematical, 51, 245101 (2018)
  12. Hipsters on Networks: How a Small Group of Individuals Can Lead to an Anti-Establishment Majority,
    Jonas S. Juul and Mason A. Porter,
    Physical Review E, 99, 022313 (2019), arXiv:1707.07187
  13. Synergistic Effects in Threshold Models on Networks,
    Jonas S. Juul and Mason A. Porter,
    Chaos 28, 013115 (2018)

Book reviews

  1. The Rules of Contagion: Why Things Spread—and Why They Stop,
    Sune Lehmann and Jonas L. Juul,
    The Mathematical Intelligencer 44, 76–77 (2022)